Truck Parking Implementation
Jointly developed by FMSIB and the Washington Department of Transportation (WSDOT), the 2024 Truck Parking Implementation Plan recommends strategies across three bienniums to address truck parking shortages statewide. These recommendations look to first address immediate actions, create a foundation for long-term truck parking, and expand existing facilities.
Truck Parking Transmittal Letter
A summary overview to the members of the Legislature of the 2024 Truck Parking Implementation Plan jointly developed by FMSIB and WSDOT.
FMSIB Truck Parking Implementation Plan
The Implementation Plan identifies the cause of truck parking issues, recommends specific actions to increase availability, details funding, and categorizes the projects and actions into short-term (1-2 years), medium-term (3-4 years), and long-term (5-6 years) timelines.